World Hearing Voices Congress Boston 2017


Shipped up to Boston and joined the Congress.
Big shout to the organising committee for giving us space, getting us there,  and everything you did to make it possible. Was, is, a privilege being with people who choose to put being human first.

We had a ball and a bunch of us had a ball letting our voices out the bag.

And, bonus, Dave Umbongo now has a whole new bunch of friends from round the world.

We even got to have breakfast in NYC.
More photos to follow at

Here’s to 2018 in The Hague.
and beyond…


Oshawa, Ontario

What ‘s “inside” you that you struggle to live with and struggle to find ways to talk about in ways others are prepared to listen?

Carnival des Voix yesterday in Oshawa, Ontario,

Big thanks to everyone – peeps and voices – who came out.

And also to CMHA Durham for the space and support…
Jenn, Ben, Aubrey: Dave says Yo!

Let your voice out – put it on a stick.

Step One: Make Puppets

Ideas for making puppets

You will have your own, but here’s a few simple ways of making puppets to get you started.


In pilot workshops we found that participants did not need much to get started, just a bunch of simple stuff, space and freedom to unleash their creativity and chance to express themselves.

Start Simple, for example:

Three easy, simple ways you can start making puppets

Paper bag

Sock puppet

Spoon puppet


This  puppet of Albert was made from a paper plate. Draw, cut-out, stick it on a stick, done.

Share yours: